Sunday, May 27, 2012
This year, we hosted our first annual Diamond Cupcake Sale at our school. Every year we have a "Post Prom Event" for our students to offer them a safe alternative to going out after prom. The kids LOVE it an it is EXTREMELY elaborate!! We have like a Casino area ( using monopoly money of course), Bouncy Houses, a Hypnotist, etc. The kids also have an opportunity to win things like ipads, TVs, and stuff like that; the best part is, it's absolutely free for them to attend! That being so, it is up to us to raise a TON of money to pay for the event! This is one of the ways in which we did it this year! Someone donated a $500 diamond for us to auction off. So, what we did was we (my friend Julie) baked 100 cupcakes, and I decorated them. Each cupcake was blinged out with a diamond and they sold for $10 a cupcake. Why would anyone ever pay $10 for a single cupcake you ask??? Because one of the cupcakes held the REAL diamond! The cupcakes sold in less than three hours and raised $1,000 for our Post Prom Event! A big thank you must go out to the Grand Island Community and all those who participated! Maybe we should make 200 cupcakes for next year??